Posted by Peter Beattie on December 30, 2024 at 07:06:17:
In Reply to: Offering opinions through the feedback form. posted by RaymondChody on May 03, 2024 at 05:07:21:
A few months ago I was involved in a serious mountain bike crash that left me with…
A concussion…
Multiple broken bones, AND…
Just ONE working arm!
Needless to say, I was TERRIFIED, and didn’t know how I could continue running my marketing agency through all of this.
Then, I got a CRAZY idea…
“What IF I could clone myself into an AI bot that was trained on the most valuable money making skill I spent YEARS learning the hard way…
…that allowed me to go from BROKE & JOBLESS to literally making MILLIONS from my coffee table and ripping around in a $200k Lamborghini:
…and then get that AI clone to make money FOR ME at the push of a few buttons, while I sit on the couch recovering from my injuries?”
Yea, I know lol that sounds kinda crazy but hey…it’s 2024, and crazy stuff like this is now possible with AI!
So, long story short, I created “”, a self-operating AI clone of myself, to run my marketing agency, FOR ME : helps bring me an endless stream of new high paying local business clients, THEN…
He delivers a much needed service to those clients IN SECONDS…
Which usually results in tens - sometimes hundreds - of thousands of dollars in sales in just a few days.
Local businesses are happily paying me between $1,000 - $18,340.09 for this service, BUT…
They don’t know PeteBot. ai is doing all the work, as I sit back and watch behind the scenes.
Thanks to PeteBot. ai, I now only focus on my agency for less than 10 mins per day but I can still pull in 1k+ per day in the process…
…even with just ONE working arm!
I call this new business “The 10 Min Copybot Workday”, and I’m revealing ALL today
More specifically, I’ll be showing you 5 things:
How PeteBot. ai can help you win your first Copybot Project that pays at least 1k without selling anything to anyone - as soon as the day AFTER the training.
(I’ve won Copybot Projects worth 100k+ but you gotta start somewhere)
How to get PeteBot. ai to do all the work and deliver results to the client for you - in less than 5 minutes.
(just give PeteBot. ai the website of the business and he does the rest)
How to SCALE your new “AI Copybot Agency” to as little as 1k per month all the way up to 6 figure months.
How to SELL your new “AI Copybot Agency” to an investor or bigger brand for a 5, 6 or even 7 figure lump sum after operating it for a year or so (optional retirement money).
PLUS! How to be an absolute dumbass with money, yet still make as much as you want - whenever you need it. WITHOUT…
[X] a website, [X] a product, [X] a list/audience, [X] learning how to sell, [X] technical skills, [X] business skills [X] paid ads, [X] showing your face on video, [X] or posting on social media pretending to be a guru.
Don’t miss out!
See you there,
Peter Beattie (and “”)
Address: 3425 May Street
Lexington, KY 40505